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Strony: 1
You’ve got general rules of our Student’s correspondence. We’re obliged to send one letter for a month. It can be traditional letter or a mail with pictures, greetings etc. In case of small kids we can prepare pictures made by them and then send it in an envelope. I know that amount if our students is different. So you can take as many students as you want. It was impossible to find the same number of students in the same age in two countries. The coordinator of every country is responsible to take care about the correspondence.
Poland – Bulgaria (4 years old)
Greece – Cyprus (9 years old)
Italy – UK (9 years old)
Poland – Italy (7 years old)
UK – Cyprus (10 years old)
Greece – Bulgaria ( 6 years old)
Poland – UK (11 years old)
Greece – UK (8 years old)
Italy – Cyprus (11 years old)
There are some additional correspondences. Only for a Christmas wishes this year.
Greece – Poland (12 years old)
UK – Italy (10 years old)
If you have any ideas please let me know.
Best regards,
10 years old students from Italy just for Xmas wishes? We would like more...
Strony: 1
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