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Strony: 1
I want to be sure if you remember about our missions for September
1. Choose “Erasmus+ group” in each country.
2. Inform parents about the project at parent-teacher conference.
3. Create eTwinning site and other websites.
This is my proposition. Italy can take care about eTwinning site. Bulgaria can establish our site on Facebook. And then you can give us passwords to let everyone add some information. Bulgaria and Italy can be responsible for updating information. Please tell me if you have prohibition of publishing student's photos.
4. Making an information board about current activities of Erasmus+ project.
5. Introduction of all partner countries by organizing special days at schools, for example Polish Day, Bulgarian Day etc.
6. Project logo contest.
7. Establish a correspondence between students.
Remember that I like chatting So ask me if you have any questions
All is clear.....
I want to be sure if you remember about our missions for September
1. Choose “Erasmus+ group” in each country.
2. Inform parents about the project at parent-teacher conference.
3. Create eTwinning site and other websites.
This is my proposition. Italy can take care about eTwinning site. Bulgaria can establish our site on Facebook. And then you can give us passwords to let everyone add some information. Bulgaria and Italy can be responsible for updating information. Please tell me if you have prohibition of publishing student's photos.4. Making an information board about current activities of Erasmus+ project.
5. Introduction of all partner countries by organizing special days at schools, for example Polish Day, Bulgarian Day etc.
6. Project logo contest.
7. Establish a correspondence between students.
Remember that I like chatting So ask me if you have any questions
Hello everyone!!!! Did you create an eTwinning site? If yes, could you please send us the link ?
This is the link of the project
Strony: 1
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